Chromia Incentivized Testing Program Update
Our Incentivized Testing Program began last week with the launch of HackNet and ProjectNet. With this week’s addition of QuestNet, all three initiatives are now in full effect.
Now that everything is up and running, we wanted to give the community a quick update and provide some useful information to help you get started. Let’s go!
Staking, tCHR Faucets, and Container Leasing
If you are currently staking CHR tokens on Ethereum or Binance Chain, claiming tCHR and opening containers is easy. Head over to Chromia’s staking page, go to the ‘container lease’ tab, and create a wallet. You will then be able to access the faucet and launch a container.
Stakers are also automatically eligible to participate in the QuestNet dashboard.
- In order to speed up synchronization between our test networks and EVM networks, our system only stores the last year of staking interactions. If you have been continuously staking the same balance of CHR for a year or more, the system will not detect your stake. This can be fixed by adding 10 (or more) CHR to your staking balance.
- While your Chromia account is derived from your EVM addresses’ keypair, you interact with your Chromia account through Chromia based tools, such as the staking page and Chromia Vault.
- MetaMask is used for transaction signing only. Chromia chain balances are not displayed in MetaMask, and Chromia chains are not added to your MetaMask chain list.
Participation for Non-Stakers
QuestNet - If a user connects an EVM address that has 10 or more total transactions on Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain, they will be able to generate a Chromia account and start completing quests. This method allows non-stakers to participate while preventing spam and bots.
ProjectNet - If you wish to submit a demo dapp but are not a staker, you can make a container request on our official Discord server in the Dev's Community -> ProjectNet channel.
HackNet - If you wish to deploy a container on HackNet for testing but are not a staker, you can make a container request on our official Discord server in the Dev's Community -> HackNet channel.
QuestNet Essential Links and Info
QuestNet is our most accessible initiative, designed for everyday users. Explore network and dapp functions for a chance to win a share of 100,000 CHR!
ProjectNet is used as a submission network for our demo dapp contest. We are accepting submissions until July 28th. The top three dapps, as chosen by our panel, will receive prizes of 20k CHR, 16k CHR, and 12k CHR. Visit the ProjectNet page for more information.
There are already two demo dapps submitted: Rakein (lending and defi), and Anole (price oracle). We look forward to the submissions still to come over the course of the program!
HackNet is a sandbox environment which allows developers and technically minded users to detect edge cases and submit reports and be rewarded with a share of a bounty pool of 100,00 CHR.
We have already received a handful of reports and they are under review. If you think you have what it takes to earn a reward, visit the HackNet page for more details. The program closes on June 28th.
Source : Chromia - Jun 21, 2024